If one still values Christian faith, it is the Bible and not an organization that determines who is and is not an "apostate." Unfortunately, many XJWs have abandoned all faith in God and the Bible
I could not agree with this statement more. it amazes me that many on this forum went from being in the watchtower ,albeit wrong but devout cult to atheist ,agnostic, some even blasphemously mocking God himself! just look at somes choice of Avatars. I am not apostate nor will I ever accept such a title willingly. I love Jesus and accept Him alone as my personal Savior! Screw the Watchtower cult and all their lies, but i'll never turn my back on God or willingly work against his will and that my friends is the true definition of apostate! To the atheist, agnostics satan worshippers and such.......It is the testimony that the Holy Spirit never resided in the organization or in themselves because once one has known Him very few turn away! You may sin and fall short of the Glory that christ has...we all do.....but to deny its existence after you become aquainted is according to scripture unforgivable!